*000 Dante *11 Cannon *1200S Ivan III *1261 Constantinople *1265 Dante *131 Dante *1321 Dante *1337 Hundred Years' War *1400 Gutenberg, Johannes *1400S Oil paints *1404 Alberti, Leon Battista *1412 Joan of Arc *1429 Hundred Years' War *1431 Joan of Arc *1435 Alberti, Leon Battista Verrocchio, Andrea *1439 Gutenberg, Johannes *1440 Ivan III *1444 Bramante, Donato *1445 Botticelli, Sandro *1449 Lorenzo the Magnificent *1450 Bosch, Hieronymus Cabot, John *1451 Columbus, Christopher *1452 Alberti, Leon Battista Sforza, Lodovico *1453 Constantinople Hundred Years' War Medici, Giuliano de *1455 Gutenberg, Johannes War of the Roses *1462 Ivan III *1468 Gutenberg, Johannes *1470 Botticelli, Sandro *1472 Alberti, Leon Battista *1473 Annunciation, The - 1473 Arno Valley Baptism of Christ Copernicus, Nicolaus Madonna with the Flower *1475 Michelangelo *1476 Annunciation, The - 1476 *1479 Baroncelli, Bernardo *1483 Luther, Martin Raphael Virgin of the Rocks - 1483 *1484 Horse, The *1485 Cortés, Hernán Lady with an Ermine *1486 Virgin of the Rocks - 1483 *1490 Portrait of a Musician *1491 Codex Madrid II Henry VIII *1492 Codex Madrid I Lorenzo the Magnificent *1494 Francis I Suleiman the Magnificent Virgin of the Rocks - 1494 *1495 La Belle Ferroniere Last Supper, The *1497 Cabot, John Ivan III *1499 Sforza, Lodovico *14TH Black Plague Middle Ages Renaissance *1500 Isabella d'Este Madonna Benois *1502 Gama, Vasco da Imola, Map of Spanish Inquisition *1506 Battle of Anghiari Columbus, Christopher Leda and the Swan *1508 Sforza, Lodovico Virgin of the Rocks - 1494 *1509 Calvin, John Henry VIII Virgin & Child with St. Anne - painting *1511 Cortés, Hernán *1513 St. John the Baptist *1514 Bramante, Donato Deluge, The *1519 Cortés, Hernán *1520S Spanish Inquisition *1521 Cortés, Hernán Francis I Magellan, Ferdinand *1524 Gama, Vasco da *1533 Elizabeth I *1546 Luther, Martin *1555 Nostradamus *1558 Elizabeth I *1564 Calvin, John Galileo Galilei Michelangelo Shakespeare, William *1588 Elizabeth I *15TH Life Preserver *1642 Galileo Galilei *16TH Calvin, John City-state *17 Milan Sforza, Lodovico *1750 Codex Atlanticus *1772 Ball Bearings *1797 Parachute *1920 Joan of Arc *1930 Constantinople *1936 Helicopter *20TH File Maker *23 Parachute *24 Parachute *28 Baroncelli, Bernardo *330 Constantinople *43 Lorenzo the Magnificent *5 Arno Valley *500 Oil paints *5TH Middle Ages *75 Annunciation, The - 1473 Baptism of Christ Madonna with the Flower *78 Annunciation, The - 1476 *80 Portrait of Ginevra Benci *85 War of the Roses *88 Codex Forster *8TH Feudal system *93 Codex Madrid II *97 Codex Madrid I *98 Last Supper, The *ABILITY Missile Oil paints Viola-Organista *ABOLISHED Spanish Inquisition *ABOUT Codex Madrid II *ABOVE Court Entertainer Rotisserie *ABSORB Gun *ACADEMIA Florence *ACCEPTED Copernicus, Nicolaus *ACCOMPLISHED Luther, Martin Recorder *ACCORDING Tank *ACROSS Cannon Columbus, Christopher Metal Roller *ACT Elizabeth I *ACTIVATES Alarm Clock *ACTIVE Botticelli, Sandro Michelangelo Raphael *ACTOR Shakespeare, William Spotlight *ACTS Bridge Canal *ACTUALLY Alarm Clock Pedal-Powered Wing *AD Constantinople *ADAM Michelangelo *ADDITION Alberti, Leon Battista *ADHERENTS Spanish Inquisition *ADJUSTABLE Digging Dredger Wood Planer *ADJUSTED Drawing Compasses Wood Planer *ADOPTED File Maker *ADORATION Adoration of the Magi Botticelli, Sandro *ADULTERY Henry VIII *ADVANCED Drawing Compasses *AFFECTS Missile *AFRAID Backwards "secret" writing *AFRICA Gama, Vasco da *AFTER Ball Bearings Bomb Wheel Lock *AGE Francis I Joan of Arc Lorenzo the Magnificent Renaissance Tank *AGES Feudal system Middle Ages Oil paints Renaissance *AGO Bicycle *AGRICULTURAL Feudal system *AHEAD File Maker Nostradamus *AIM Crossbow *AIR Alarm Clock Life Preserver Missile Rotisserie Spotlight *AIRTIGHT Parachute *ALARM Alarm Clock *ALBERT Codex Forster *ALBERTI Alberti, Leon Battista Architects Workshop *ALBRECHT Artists *ALIGHIERI Dante *ALLOCATED Feudal system *ALLOW Ball Bearings Joint Spotlight *ALLOWED Feudal system Woodwind Keys *ALLOWING Bridge Canal Fortress *ALLOWS Bell Bridge Canal Spotlight *ALMOST Ball Bearings Black Plague *ALREADY Court Entertainer *ALTE Madonna with the Flower *ALTHOUGH Landing Gear *AMBROSIANA Codex Atlanticus Portrait of a Musician *AMERICA Columbus, Christopher *AMERICAN Steam Cannon *AMERICAS Columbus, Christopher Magellan, Ferdinand *AMMUNITION Gun Steam Cannon Wheel Lock *AMONG Florence Shakespeare, William *AMORAL Machiavelli, Niccolò *AN Luther, Martin Michelangelo Viola-Organista *ANATOMICAL Anatomy Windsor Collection *ANATOMY Anatomy Recorder *ANCIENT Constantinople Renaissance Walls and Ladders *Andrea Verrocchio, Andrea *ANGEL Baptism of Christ *ANGELS Verrocchio, Andrea *ANGERED Court Entertainer *Anghiari Battle of Anghiari *ANGLE Wood Planer *ANNE Elizabeth I Henry VIII Virgin & Child with St. Anne - cartoon Virgin & Child with St. Anne - painting *Annunciation Annunciation, The - 1473 Annunciation, The - 1476 *ANOTHER Bobbin Threader Gutenberg, Johannes Henry VIII Joint Shearing Machine Worm Gear *ANTI Bell-Tower Mechanism *ANYONE Backwards "secret" writing *APENNINES Arno River Florence *APPEARED Diving Suit *APPLIED Oil paints *APPRENTICE Workshop *APPRENTICED Botticelli, Sandro Verrocchio, Andrea *APPRENTICESHIP Workshop *APPROACH Diving Suit *ARAGON Henry VIII *ARC Hundred Years' War Joan of Arc *ARCHBISHOP Gutenberg, Johannes *ARCHER Crossbow *ARCHITECT Alberti, Leon Battista Architects Bramante, Donato Florence Michelangelo *ARCHITECTS Architects Italy *ARCHITECTURE Alberti, Leon Battista Fortress *ARCS Rocket *ARE Arno River Artillery Shell Ball Bearings Baptism of Christ Bell Cannon Court Entertainer Drums III Gun Nostradamus Shakespeare, William Shearing Machine Snorkel Walking Buoys *AREA Dredger Gama, Vasco da *AREAS City-state *ARMADA Elizabeth I *ARMORED Tank *ARMY Cortés, Hernán Machiavelli, Niccolò *ARNO Arno River Arno Valley Florence *AROSE Renaissance *AROUND Copernicus, Nicolaus Galileo Galilei Gama, Vasco da Magellan, Ferdinand Renaissance *ART Alberti, Leon Battista Francis I Imola, Map of Portrait of Ginevra Benci *ARTILLERY Artillery Shell Bomb *ARTIST Florence Oil paints Renaissance Verrocchio, Andrea Workshop *ARTISTIC Michelangelo Renaissance *ARTISTS Alberti, Leon Battista Artists Italy Oil paints Renaissance Workshop *ARTS Florence Lorenzo the Magnificent Medici Renaissance Suleiman the Magnificent Workshop *Arundel Codex Arundel *ASIA Cabot, John *ASKED Court Entertainer *ASSASSINATE Medici, Giuliano de *ASSEMBLED Lifting Windlass *ASSERTION Hundred Years' War *ASSISTANT Workshop *ASSOCIATED Florence *ASTOUND Rocket *ASTROLOGICAL Nostradamus *ASTRONOMER Copernicus, Nicolaus Galileo Galilei Nostradamus Renaissance *ATHENS Raphael *ATLANTIC Columbus, Christopher Magellan, Ferdinand *Atlanticus Codex Atlanticus *ATTACHED Artillery Shell Drawbridge Release Mechanism Rocket Rotisserie Walking Buoys Woodwind Keys *ATTACK Fortress Luther, Martin *ATTRIBUTED Baptism of Christ Verrocchio, Andrea *AUGUST Arno Valley *AUTOMATED Cannon *AUTOMATIC Crossbow *AUTOMATICALLY Drill File Maker Release Mechanism Rotisserie Shearing Machine *AUTOMATION File Maker *AUTOMOBILES Ball Bearings *AVON Shakespeare, William *AWARE Missile *AWAY Bell-Tower Mechanism *AXIS Copernicus, Nicolaus *AXLE Digging Dredger *AXLES Bell-Tower Mechanism *AZTEC Cortés, Hernán *